
My Theory About ReDesign

ReDesign is Green Design

Recycle +
Reduce + Reuse + Repurpose + Repaint + Revamp + Reclaim + Reupholser + Renew + Reborn
ReDesign is green design since we use what we have rather than throwing the old out and filling up the land fills.  We can take what we have and give it a new purpose while being budget savvy.  We can use the same piece of furniture in a different room and paint it to match the decor, we can put new hardware on it to give it a totally different look.  As a designer the options are endless.
ReDesign can also mean repurposing an entire room.  Maybe we could use a dinning area as an office if that is what your need is, or we can change an extra bedroom into an office.  We may not even have to buy a thing since we can shop through your home of your existing furniture you already have and reuse it in a different way.  
As ReDesigners we also love to hunt through consignment stores, estate sales, thrift stores to find "deals and steals" for our clients.  We choose items that have character, that are unique, that you just can't find in stores today that fit your style.  We can reclaim furniture and renew it by repainting it, by reupholstering it, or whatever our creative minds can fathom and give it new life and thus it is reborn.

Pictures of current projects coming soon...



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