
Dining Wall In Progress

Inspiration #1
Inspiration #2
Work in progress

I first found photos that inspired me for a paint application on my dining room wall.  Since I am wanting to do it while spending little to no money I decided to use paint rather than wood molding.  This is way more cost effective and I think it was totally worth it!
Second I taped the design for the negative spaces so when it was removed the design would be completed, or that is what I hoped... the tape bled and I ended up painting all the lined by hand (note to self:  use the new painters tape called Frog tape)!
On the last photo, I'm almost done.  I still need to paint square molding around the design as well as squares on both sides of the design and below the chair rail.  I hope you can be brave enough to try new things with pain, it's the least expensive thing we can design with.  Plus it is very forgiving since it's pretty easy to paint over if you don't like it when you're done! 

1 comment:

  1. Sarah I love it!!!! You better post the final picture. I miss you and so wish you were close to help me do something in my new house! I miss you guys and hope you are doing well.
