
A Minimalist Christmas

Since we don’t have much space right now I still wanted to decorate for Christmas and I thought I would do so in a minimalistic way.  I figured the less the better and to use white as my color palette (using white helps keep the space open-looking and less cluttered). 

So I began by setting up a small Christmas tree on a small white modern table I bought.  I think it looks pretty chic sitting next to my mid-century modern chairs!  I got a great deal on the table and figured it can serve many uses once Christmas is over.  It only cost $40 marked down and it’s made of metal so I can use it inside or outside. 
I collaborated a college of items I thought would really accent my minimalist theme as well as being pretty easy to make yourself.  Click on each one to see a DIY of where you can buy!   

Merry Christmas,


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