
Amazing Finds At Second-Hand Stores

Amazing Find 1:  Habitat for Humanity Restore Mid Century Modern Nightstands $25 ea.


Compare Room & Boards
Grove Nightstand 26x15 23h  One-Door/ Three-Drawer $1099 ea.

Amazing Find 2:  Goodwill Clear Glass Lamp $6.99



Compare: Pottery Barn Eva Lamp $99 ea.


Amazing Find 3:  Goodwill Mid Century Modern 2 Tier Tray $3.99




Compare:  West Elm's Mid Century Modern 3 Tier Serving Tray $49

{TIPS} for finding great finds 
-Keep an open mind.  Don’t go in looking for something in particular because you will overlook other amazing finds.
-Look past the dirt and grime, the color, and even damage.  Most of those things can be fixed with some scrubbing, painting, and work.

-When you find something ask yourself does it fit my homes general style with similar lines?  This is a hard one since you have to know what styles you love and what style your home is.  You can always figure this out by looking online and Pinterest.com. 
Hope this helps, let me know by leaving a comment!


Living Room Inspiration

I am excited about this new design I did for my living room but it can be tweaked for any room in your home!  What inspired me was a chevron rug I found at Goodwill for $50!!!  Have I told you about my little secret...Goodwill is one of my favorite places to shop!  I find new things there all the time especially since Target donates their items that don't sell or have a little bit of damage.  This rug had nothing wrong with it that I could see (I'm pretty picky).  I found the same rug new on Target.com for $179.99 for 5'x7', the same size I found. 

The mid century bench I also found at Goodwill for $10!!  I've been looking for one for sometime but didn't want to pay $300 or more for a new or antique one.  It's in rough condition but I plan on re-staining it, I think I'll post it as a DIY so stay tuned!!





A Minimalist Christmas

Since we don’t have much space right now I still wanted to decorate for Christmas and I thought I would do so in a minimalistic way.  I figured the less the better and to use white as my color palette (using white helps keep the space open-looking and less cluttered). 


Dining Wall In Progress

Inspiration #1
Inspiration #2
Work in progress

I first found photos that inspired me for a paint application on my dining room wall.  Since I am wanting to do it while spending little to no money I decided to use paint rather than wood molding.  This is way more cost effective and I think it was totally worth it!
Second I taped the design for the negative spaces so when it was removed the design would be completed, or that is what I hoped... the tape bled and I ended up painting all the lined by hand (note to self:  use the new painters tape called Frog tape)!
On the last photo, I'm almost done.  I still need to paint square molding around the design as well as squares on both sides of the design and below the chair rail.  I hope you can be brave enough to try new things with pain, it's the least expensive thing we can design with.  Plus it is very forgiving since it's pretty easy to paint over if you don't like it when you're done! 


I'm Hunting Goodwill

Have you seen the blog "Mr. Goodwill Hunting"?  I love this guy because he does what I've been doing for some time now, hunting through Goodwill and making things beautiful, check out his blog at http://www.rashoncarraway.com/
Since I live on a very tight budget and love beautiful and expensive things I often hunt through thrift stores, consignment stores, antique stores and garage sales.  You have to train your eye to look beyond the gross color or grime and see its possibilities.  It can be painted, or it can be cleaned, right?  My mom has taught me how to look closely and not be deceived! 
Above are picture of my daughters room, which I bought it all at the places mentioned above or they have been sale-finds at other inexpensive stores.  I'll let you in on my secrets of where I found each item.  Sometimes you have to clean it up, paint it, sew it or be creative!  Click on the pic below to see it more clearly.

but keep in mind you have keep your eyes peeled and see the potential rather than the face value.


Yellow Punch!

Dining Room Inspiration Board
Here is the design for my dining room that I hope to one day finish!  I am currently working on a design that I'm painting on the wall...post coming soon so stay tuned!!


My Theory About ReDesign

ReDesign is Green Design

Recycle +
Reduce + Reuse + Repurpose + Repaint + Revamp + Reclaim + Reupholser + Renew + Reborn
ReDesign is green design since we use what we have rather than throwing the old out and filling up the land fills.  We can take what we have and give it a new purpose while being budget savvy.  We can use the same piece of furniture in a different room and paint it to match the decor, we can put new hardware on it to give it a totally different look.  As a designer the options are endless.
ReDesign can also mean repurposing an entire room.  Maybe we could use a dinning area as an office if that is what your need is, or we can change an extra bedroom into an office.  We may not even have to buy a thing since we can shop through your home of your existing furniture you already have and reuse it in a different way.  
As ReDesigners we also love to hunt through consignment stores, estate sales, thrift stores to find "deals and steals" for our clients.  We choose items that have character, that are unique, that you just can't find in stores today that fit your style.  We can reclaim furniture and renew it by repainting it, by reupholstering it, or whatever our creative minds can fathom and give it new life and thus it is reborn.

Pictures of current projects coming soon...

